Saturday, January 29, 2011


At 7:15 a.m. I heard Owen talking to himself in his crib.  For just a moment I tried to remember what day it was and then I thought...."oh yeah, it's just Saturday.  Blah." 


I LOVED Saturday.  On Saturday mornings Chris would get up with Owen and Maya so I could sleep in.  I really didn't sleep in, I just laid there, cozy in my covers until one of my kiddos sought me out.  But, I loved that me time.  Chris made coffee, played with Owen, got breakfast on the table and started everything going for the day.  One morning I was free to go at my own pace.


Sleeping In?  My parents have kept my kiddos a couple nights so I could have some me time, but it's not the same as those previous Saturdays. Instead those mornings are quiet, secluded, a bit lonely.  This morning I just groaned knowing there isn't anything on our agenda on the weekends.  People are out running errands and home with their families.

We used to live for the weekends now I feel like we try to get through them so we can get back to interacting with people and going our regular places where we feel like a normal part of society.  

Someday, I will look forward to Saturday again.

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