Thursday, March 31, 2011


Scene:  Driving 20 miles per hour in the pouring rain on I-5 headed North.  Next to our Highlander is a truck hauling....a single casket.

As I merged onto the freeway Maya had requested "Daddy's Song."  At bedtime this request refers to Three Little Birds.  During the day?  This request is for Reach For the Sky.  Both of my kids love this Social D song.

As the song ended Maya said "Mommy?  Why did daddy get up that morning and die?  Why did he fall in the bath tub and die?  Did he hit his head?"

Looking at her in the rear view mirror, I repeated what has become my answer, "Maya, daddy didn't die because he fell.  Daddy's body wasn't working right and nobody knew."

She looked briefly at the truck with the casket and said, "Did his face turn blue?"

I hesitated and blatantly lied.  "No Maya, his face was not blue.  Daddy's body stopped working."

Maya sighed and looked back out into the rain at the truck carrying the casket and told me how much she misses her daddy. 

1 comment:

  1. that just made my heart hurt...
    Sending thoughts your way.
