Monday, February 28, 2011


This morning I woke up baffled, perplexed, confused, bewildered about how I got here.  For a moment this morning I 'saw' Chris, laying in the bathtub and briefly thought about what I would tell him about my experience that morning.  Of course, I realize at the same time that we will never have that conversation and truly that is frustrating.  Part of me feels like I could come to terms with what happened easier if I just knew what his journey to the other side entailed.  I'm sure, in reality, this isn't true.  Today, however, I am longing for that one last moment, one last conversation, one last breath that we could take together before the goodbye is forever.


  1. Thinking of you and wishing that I could grant that one last conversation. Hoping that peace will come on this 'bewildered' day, because grief is plenty to deal with as it is.

  2. I can't imagine what you are going through..I have been thinking about you quite often...praying for are in my thoughts and I know this doesn't help right now..but I know you will see Chris again..I know he is watching over you and the kids..I know that doesn't help right now..but just know death is not the end...I love you
