Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Head and the Heart

Yesterday grief decided to drown me.  Today, I am trying not to let it fully encompass me as to swallow me whole.  This is my song today, Lost in My Mind.  Have you heard of The Head and the Heart?  LOVE THEM!!  Very much worth the listen...indie-pop-rock-folky sort of thing.  For those of you living this grief thing along with me in any capacity, it is sort of like being lost in your mind, right? 

1 comment:

  1. If I felt like I could do any buoying up, I'd call. Since I feel like I'm also being pulled under today, I'm going to leave at this: tomorrow is a new day (can we buy these in bulk?) http://www.amazon.com/Intex-INX58641-Large-Deluxe-Floats/dp/B000AU7RGU/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1297231798&sr=8-16
    And... thinking of you always! love you!
