Saturday, February 19, 2011

Puke Bowls

Yesterday it was Owen...tonight it was Maya and I am pleading with God that I am not next.  Puke.

Neither kid has really been a puker thus far.  I guess we have crossed that line.

This morning I woke up exhausted.  I think maybe it was a result of the lack of sleep two nights ago catching up with me.  Owen was crabby and Maya was tired.  Though Owen has basically recovered from his illness yesterday, Maya was working on hers unbeknownst to me.

Tonight I luckily saw it coming and had a puke bowl ready so we caught most of it.  Unfortunately, not all and she had some on her shirt, arms, me, etc. thus there was cleanup involved.  She didn't cry and was a great trooper in cleaning up and cuddling on the couch.  She even laughed about puke coming out of her nose.  She is now sound asleep, cuddled into her bed with her puke bowl and only one of her very important blankies should we haven't another incident.  It's been about 4 hours...not that I am counting.

Tonight I feel lonely.  I don't want to have to call anyone to save me or text friends for words of sympathy.  I want my companion to be here helping me clean up, keep Owen out of it all and get Maya settled.  It's lonely tonight.  After everyone was cleaned up and in jammies, I sat crying silently on the couch.  What the heck is going on.  I want to press the pause button and take some time to recover from the events of the evening.  Man, I could use a hug.;

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sabrina-

    I found your blog through a comment you left on Widow's Voice. I just
    wanted to reach out and let you know that I think your writing is just
    beautiful and so honest. I can relate to a lot of what you write.

    My husband, also Chris, died on January 13, 2009 from a brain tumor. He was diagnosed when I was 9 months pregnant with our daughter. We thought he might have one year to live but he died after only 22 days. Claire was 10 days old and Ian, our son, was 17 months old. So, I can tell you that I truly understand the challenges that you deal with as you grieve while you raise young children. Hardly what either of us signed up for, I'm sure.

    I found it so helpful in the beginning to know there were other people out there who had gone through this and managed to do more than just get by. Reading other widow's blogs helped me find some peace that I could be happy in this lifetime. I always feel compelled to reach out to people that I find in similar circumstances.

    I also have a blog where I write about Chris and our lives. It is at if you are interested in reading.

    Take care-

    Wendy Diez

    P.S. By the way, not only are our husbands both named Chris but our wedding anniversary is one week apart. We got married on April 16, 2005:).
