Here is Owen checking out Maya who was squealing with excitement on our way there!
Owen carried his bag around and went up to the people handing out candy but was really confused!
Maya, on the other hand, was busy checking out her bounty!
Eventually Owen was tired of not being able to walk away (he, for some reason, wanted to go the opposite way we were going!) so I put him in the stroller with a sucker. Here he is getting the sucker then about 10 minutes in to eating his sucker.
We took a pit stop to get a picture of all the kiddos (L to R Addison, Dumbo; Maya, Ariel; Brody, Lion; Sarah, Rapunzel; Owen, prince charming)
We also ran into Elmo! Of course the boys wanted nothing to do with him!
Finally, finished trick or treating, we tried and tried and tried to get all 5 kiddos in a picture!
And here is Owen escaping!
We then went home to eat some pizza then Maya and Chris headed out to our neighbor's houses for some more trick or treating while Owen and I stayed home to hand out candy.
Here is Maya ready to hit the road.
Owen was back in his costume and he helped me watch for trick or treaters.
And...finally Owen had a meltdown. Maya came home and dumped her bounty out. Owen played with it while Maya picked out a piece to eat. Then he had a royal meltdown after we put Maya's candy up.
Good Picts. Thanks again for coming by the house. We love to get to see the kids in costume. Love to all of you.