Saturday, October 3, 2009

meow meow needs a time out!

Since she was a baby, we have know that Maya is a sleep talker. I hear her at night (through the wall) say all sorts of stuff and never fully wake up. My mom told me that last time Maya stayed the night with her, she was asking for juice in the middle of the night so my mom rolled over to grab her cup only to turn over and find out Maya was fast asleep. I even heard her demanding someone 'share' in her sleep! Tonight Maya was calling 'Mommy, Mommy' about 20 minutes after I put her in bed, so I went up to see what was going on. She was half sitting up and tells me some gibberish I can't make out. Then she told me "There's trouble in my bed." I tried not to laugh and asked "what?" She then told me "meow meow was in trouble on my bed and needs time out." I couldn't help but laugh a little as I snuggled her back in. She was pretty much asleep by the time I shut her door again. It's totally obvious, however, that we have had some behavior issues around here lately with her half asleep reference to time out. She forgets nothing. I told her tonight as I was tucking her in that we will be making pancakes (her favorite) for breakfast in the morning. I would put money on the fact that it will absolutely be the first thing she says when I go to get her out of bed in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that amazing? I am always shocked when my kid's wake up finishing the sentence they went to sleep talking about--especially when its nothing exciting! Its just bizarre to me... and really obvious to me--with my 'Mommy brain' that can't even finish a sentence that began 2 seconds before... much less 9 hours before!
