Thursday, September 24, 2009

the title

So here it is, my blog. Who knew ?!?! I just wanted to make a quick note about my title. It's a line from a Dixie Chicks' song called Lullaby. When I was still rocking Maya to sleep I used to sing that song over and over and over. I just love that line and the one that reads 'How long do you want to be loved? Is forever enough, is forever enough?" I even laid in bed with Maya a few nights ago when she woke up frantic and sang it to her until she was snoring. I think it will always remind me of those sweet cuddly moments rocking know those ones just after they have fallen asleep and you can hear their little snore and feel them cuddle in for the night.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! You are such a good mama!

    ... and I hope that this blog will help you remember all of those sweet and precious (and funny) moments with your beautiful family! ... and that it isn't too much of a time sucker!
