Friday, September 25, 2009

'It's Not Scary'

Today we met our friends Lora, Addie and Brodie at the Thumbnail Theater to watch Cindi Soup perform (basically a puppet, music, dance, sing-along, play performance). Now, the Thumbnail Theater is a remodeled church so it has a different feel in the auditorium than most places. We walked in and saw an amazing backdrop/stage set and Maya got about half way down the aisle and said 'it's not scary'....Translation 'yes, it's scary and I'm not going anywhere near it'. It took a few minutes and we got as far as the second row and that was all the closer she was going to we sat. HOWEVER, just a few minutes into the performance and she was answering questions and trying to sing-along and then decided, after we had been up dancing, that we could sit in the front row. Of course, then I couldn't keep her off the stage and she participated 4 times, dancing and singing on the stage. Tooooooo cute! Too bad my camera is broken.... She and Addie had a great time dancing and singing. We came home and Maya immediately took one of the alligators off of Owen's swing in order to sing the alligator song we learned (then I caught her trying to feed it butter, whipping cream and a diet cherry coke in the kitchen). I love watching her process everything around her and figure out what she really thinks of it all. Six months ago there is no way she would have participated on stage in front of so many people. She even let Cindi Soup hold her hand (those of you that know her well, know she has space issues and only recently has decided to let people other than mommy, daddy and grandma hold her hand). Today, I saw some of those nervous hand movements she does (thank goodness she stopped chewing on her hands when she is nervous!) but she had a blast. Owen...well he slept which is always a good thing too. Now if only I can figure out how to get him to sleep 8 hours again...

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