Sunday, July 18, 2010

Owen is One!!!

Owen Michael Carpenter

Height: 31.75 inches
Weight: 23 lbs 9 oz
Hair: light brown
Eyes: Brown
Shoe Size: between a 4 and 5
Clothes size: mostly 18 months
Words: (none are very clear) hi, mommm, dada
Naps: 9:30-11 and 2:30-4:30
Bedtime: 8 p.m.
Wakes up: 6:15ish
Teeth: has 8 and 3 molars coming in (almost 11!)
Foods he loves: bananas, toast, carrots, berries, grapes, cheese, baby 'cheetos'
Nick Names: Mr. Owen, Mr. Pants, Mr. No Pants, Destructo Baby, Baby Owen Jayz, Baby Jayz, Mr., Handsome, Turkey.....

The Facts:
* When he wants something he sort of grunts
* He actively waves hello and goodbye
* He claps for himself and other people
* He loves music and is always dancing
* If he sees other people eating he gets angry he doesn't have some
* He is very ticklish on his thigh and his belly
* Likes to initiate hide and seek by hiding under his blanket
* 'Talks' on the phone
* Tries to work the remote
* Goes up and down the stairs (we've gone baby gate free!!)
* Gives Cally (our Basset Hound) big kisses
* Throws tantrums (drops himself on to the floor)
* Has two loveys: one white with dog paw prints thermal blanket and one blue thermal blanket
* Brings me books to read him all day longs
* Loves playing in water (including the toilet!!!)
* Climbs on everything (chairs, tables, stairs, gates....)
* Loves bath time no matter how tired he is beforehand
* Eats and eats and eats until I think he is going to explode
* Wears the stethoscope from Maya's doctor set around all day long
* Plays in Maya's kitchen and brings me snacks
* Tries to mimic Maya (i.e. he likes to pretend he can run with her and scream)
* Empties my kitchen cupboards
* Sits in Maya's princess chair and pushes himself to fall backwards, giggling
* Giggles uncontrollably when Chris acts like a monkey
* Is happy riding around on my back in the Ergo
* Likes pretty girls (seriously..older pretty girls....he is such a boy)
* Loves our cat Millie
* Points to dogs, cats, balls in books when you ask him to
* Will not wear sunglasses
* Follows Maya everywhere
* Loves to slide & swing
* Love almost everyone and will given them a toothy grin
* Is mistaken for being older than 1....(such a curse for my kidlets!)
* Nods or points if he wants more to eat
* Sticks his finger up my nose....
* Is still rocked to sleep (not always put down completely asleep though)
* Loves a good snuggle, especially with his momma

Here is Owen's first year in pictures:


1 month:

3 months:

6 months:

9 months:

1 year (almost):

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