Monday, July 19, 2010

It's a Par-Tay!

Mr. Owen in his birthday shirt!

I think Maya was as excited for Owen to turn one as I was...he really was indifferent, ha!

WAY back in February we decided we would have his party at Kayak Point and play at the beach. About a month before his party, I decided I should check the tide charts only to find out it would be a super high tide...great. Plans were revised and we decided it's July so why not take advantage of our backyard. We don't have a very large house but with the yard, it would do. Of course, it was not a very nice day on July 18th!!! Darn Washington weather! It worked out ok though and all was well. Here is Owen wrapping himself in his blanky on the back deck with 'the men.'

Owen's party had a beach theme with 'goody' bags that were sand buckets filled with a variety of beach themed toys and candies. The 'cake' was in a big sand pail and was layered cake and pudding with 'sand' on top (ground shortbread cookies) and topped off with chocolate sea shells. I even made mini versions for all the kiddos in tiny pails I found.

We barbequed, played in the back yard and just had a good ol' time. All the kids even had a go at a Pirate Pinata (see the picture of my niece Sarah, so funny!). The 3 and 4 year olds did absolutely no damage to this crazy reinforced pinata and my 13 year old nephew had to smack it. Unfortunately it beheaded it and the girls chins dropped!! But then they dug in to the goodies!

Owen got lots of great presents including a Little Tikes truck ramp, Slinky Dog and a Buzz Lightyear chair. Owen had a great time and even stuck around to help me open his presents! Of course, I had a crew of five 3 and 4 year old girls more than happy to help me too!

Owen got his own mini tiered cake that had blue and green polk a dots. He dug in .... and after awhile was done and a bit overwhelmed by the sugar. He pulled through though and seemed to enjoy his moment!

Happy first birthday to my baby! You are growing up way to fast lil' man. Muah!

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