Saturday, April 24, 2010

Maya is 3!

Maya Elizabeth Carpenter is 3 years old!

Height: 41.25 inches
Weight: 37.3 lbs
Shoe Size: 8
Dress Size: 4t/5t
Pant/Skirt Size: 4t
Bedtime: 8:15
Wakes up: between 7:30 and 8:30

Favorite Color: PINK
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Favorite Toy: Tiana Doll
Favorite Movie (at least today): Monsters Inc.
Favorite Princess: (tie) Ariel & Tiana
Favorite thing to do with Owen: Climb up the stairs with him
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Ride on his shoulders
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: Painting
Favorite ride at Disneyland: Casey Junior Train

The Facts:
* Maya remembers to say please & Thank You ...most of the time
* She loves to entertain her baby brother and he laughs and laughs at her
* Maya races me to Owen's room to 'get him up' after naps.
* She 'reads' so many books and loves to be read to.
* She is great at 'imaginative play' with everything from barbies to My Little Ponies
* She wants to wear dresses every single day (and usually does)
* Maya has memorized a pretty major number of lyrics to different songs
* She has cute wavy curls that are CRAZY in the morning
* Maya requests back rubs during 'call backs' after bed time
* Her amazing blue eyes shine
* Maya is great at sharing with her friends
* Since she was a baby she has loved playing games with the vacuum cleaner
* One of her new past times is digging in the garden
* She loves a nice long, hot bath
* She rarely naps any more but once a week
* She has gotten to be a picky eater again and likes nothing hot (or even remotely warm)
* Maya loves doing 'projects'; recently we painted a bird house & made suncatchers
* There are two nightlights in Maya's room & a fan that need to be on for her to sleep
* She can spell her name
* She knows her phone number
The Pictures:

6 Months Old

1 Years old
18 Months Old

2 Years Old

3 Years Old (I need a better one..)

1 comment:

  1. YAy!! Happy 3 Maya. I love that you've added this to your blog. It will be so wonderful to be able to remember those sweet things!! Love it!
