Monday, August 23, 2010

Preschool Orientation

Today I took Maya to her preschool orientation to meet her new teacher, some of her classmates and get acquainted with how things work. I found out that I am not ready for my baby to not need me. She is quite independent and especially so when neither Chris nor I is around. I saw it coming, but, man, I didn't really want it to be true! The girl basically walked in like she owned the place. While other kids were reluctant to sit without their parents to get their pictures taken (they are all 3 years old), Maya sat right down and gave her cheesy fake smile. While most kiddos stuck to their parents like a cyst, Maya sat down and started working with some craft items (scissors, cutting, gluing), while I stood there trying to decide what to do with myself. While most kids milled around inside with parents prompting them to check things out, Maya marched outside and made some 'pie' in the play area. She even met a friend named Raina who is a month older than her, the same height and seems to be about the same skill level. They rode around on the tandem bike together which was too cute! We also discovered that her friend Aubrey from her dance class is going to be in her preschool class. She is going to have a blast...I, on the other hand, will have to adjust to all of this!


  1. It could be the other way around... and that would be even more sad!! But... I will still be thinking of you!! When do they start school?

  2. So true. I just don't like her growing up. Man, this parenting thing is hard!! She starts Sept. 9th.
