Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Wish

Right now I am listening to the song ‘My Wish’ by Rascal Flatts. It’s on my playlist on my Blog so turn your sound on and take a listen. It’s one of those songs that really sums up your thoughts…in my case, and maybe yours, it sums up my thoughts about my kiddos. I was reading something online the other day and in the article the woman wrote that she realized, looking at her teenagers, that the day would come when they wouldn’t be an active part of her daily activities. When Maya woke up this morning (she wasn't quite ready to be awake but came downstairs anyway), she cuddled up in my lap. It made me think of all the mornings she used to do that. She'd snuggle her little face in to my sweatshirt and hug me until she was ready to get up and play. This morning I realized what a big girl she already is as all 39 inches of her tried to cuddle in. It's a little sad to realize I don't remember so clearly those things that happened during our first year together. I know, I know, new memories are made and that's why, but I guess I don't want my baby to grow up too fast. Maya's first year I was always so excited for the milestones. With Owen, I think I'd be content if he'd just stay where he is, rolling around on the floor smiling and laughing. Ok, my rant is over. In the end, my babies will grow up and that will be a good thing.

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