Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Today I am thankful for good days and good friends
I am thankful for laughter that echos in the chambers of my heart
I am thankful for the life that glistens in the eyes of my daughter
I am thankful for the comfort of a baby boy who loves to snuggle.

Today while the world bustles with the purpose of holidays,
I remember you, kissing me for the first time at the door of my apartment,
I remember you amazed by the birth of our baby girl, all smiles and laughter
I remember you asleep with our son, secretly happy to have your boy,
I remember.

Through the tears and heartache,
I will keep you alive in the stories I tell our children
I will keep our secrets safe in the chambers of my heart
I will keep your spirit alive through the way I live my life.

Tonight, I sleep and dream of you


  1. Absolutely is so good to hear maybe the start of a little peace, beginnings of healing, and a slightly clearer picture of this wonderful life that awaits you when you are ready. Xo

  2. This is so very , very beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes.
