Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maya is 2 1/2

My girl is officially 2 1/2 on Saturday so I thought I would create a post all about her.
  • Maya insists on 4 songs whenever she goes to sleep : Twinkle, twinkle; ABC's; Row, row, row your boat & Rock a bye Baby....always always
  • Maya loves swimming and will jump off the edge, go all the way under water, and 'swim' while kicking and paddling with her arms.
  • At meals she insists on dipping her chicken nuggets in syrup. She doesn't like any other condiments.
  • She has funny ways of saying things such as 'Moresa' and 'pegaguin'. I'm always sad when she learns to enunciate...I miss 'bat da ba' (Tinkerbell).
  • Maya is a princess through and through. She wants to wear a skirt ALL the time. At night she likes to wear nightgowns but insists on putting a skirt on under them. Tonight she even hugged her Dora skirt when she found it in the clean clothes basket.
  • We are busy doing all sorts of 'projects' that range from dot painting to pumpkin face decorating. She loves making things to display or mail to people.
  • She doesn't deal well at all with illness and usually is inconsolable to the point I sit up watching movies with her in bed in order to get her to focus on something else.
  • She is almost 39 inches tall and 32 pounds.
  • Maya loves doing what Owen is doing; For example, if he's in his bouncy seat in the kitchen, she pulls her princess chair out to the kitchen and covers them both up with blankets and makes sure they each have a toy.
  • She has figured out there are 'unmonitored' times when I am busy with Owen thus is 'taking advantage' of it. I'm sneaky, however, and can usually catch her before any damage is done.
  • Maya loves to walk around with whole fruit and will devour an entire pear, core included, if you don't watch her.
  • Loves to dance and sing. She knows quite a few songs and is even starting to make up a few songs of her own.
  • Maya loves her daddy. I tried to sit by her last night and she said 'no, that's daddy's spot.' Chris was upstairs getting ready for bed and we were all going to snuggle in to watch a movie. I love that she is so connected to her daddy.
  • Washing her hands and brushing her teeth are things she loves to do all the time.
  • She is working on potty training ....still. I love her enthusiasm when she goes and her determination when she doesn't want to sit.
  • Maya likes to pretend to exercise with me.
  • She does a pretty good forward summersault.
  • When she is feeling unsure, she always wants to hold hands.
  • Every morning she asks where her daddy is.
  • Maya would eat pancakes for breakfast every day if they were offered.
  • "It's not Scary" always means I'm really scared but I'm trying not to be.
  • Maya can put on most of her shoes and jackets by herself but will take 20 minutes to pick out which ones she wants.
  • Choice makes her giddy. She says 'I can have that one, that one, that one' with a big grin like it's Christmas.
  • She loves birthdays and talking about birthdays.
  • Maya has a huge sweet tooth.
  • She can count to 20 though 16-20 are a little iffy some days.
  • She has been singing her ABC's since she was about 18 months.
  • Maya learned the 'I need a drink' trick about a month ago.
  • I am in awe of her creativity and enthusiasm to the point that it inspires to me to have more of both.

1 comment:

  1. Oh... Maya sounds like such a sweet and spunky girl! =)
